Features when using the Native Protocol when connected to a DCC-EX EX-CommandStation

By default, Engine Driver (ED) uses the WiThrottle Protocol to talk to all types of DCC Command Station.

When connecting to a DCC-EX EX-CommandStation it can optionally use the DCC-EX Native Protocol.

Specific Features - when using the DCC-EX Native Protocol

These Engine Driver features are only available when the DCC-EX Native Protocol preference is enabled:

  • Read and write DCC addresses on the Programming Track

  • Read and write CVs of decoders on the Programming Track

  • Write CVs of decoders on the Main Track

  • Issue Native commands to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation

  • TrackManager control - able to change the type and state of each Track/Channel (e.g DCC and DC))

How to enable the DCC-EX Native Protocol

To enable the DCC-EX Native Protocol in Engine Driver do the following:

Note this must be preformed before you connect to the DCC Command Station.

  • Start Engine Driver

  • Open the Menu –> Preferences

  • Find the section “Connect Preferences”

  • Open the sub-section “DCC-EX EX-CommandStation Preferences”

  • Enable the “Use Native DCC-EX commands”

  • If you also use other brands/types of DCC Command Station (other than DCC-EX EX-CommandStation)

    • We recommend that you also enable the “Show protocol option”

  • Optionally you can enable a button on the Action Bar in Engine Driver

    • Close the “DCC-EX EX-CommandStation Preferences” sub-group (click the Android Back button), but stay in the preferences

    • Find the “Throttle Screen Action Bar Preferences” section

    • Enable the “DCC-EX button?”

  • close preferences (click the Android Back button) to go back to the Connect Screen

Now connect to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation

Using the DCC-EX Native Features

Once Engine Driver has connected to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation, there will be a new option in the menu “DCC-EX”.

If you optionally enabled the “DCC-EX button?”, the a new “DCC-EX” button will appear on the Action Bar.

Touching either the Menu item and the button will open the “DCC-EX” screen.

On the DCC-EX Screen you can use the “Action” pulldown to select from

  • Programming Track (Service Mode)

  • Program on Main (Operation Mode)

  • Track/District Manager

Read and write DCC addresses on the Programming Track


To read and write DCC addresses on the Programming Track select “Programming Track (Service Mode)” in the Action pulldown.

To read the address, put your loco on the programming track and click the Read button on the same line as the ‘DCC Address’ label.

To write a new address, enter the address in the ‘DCC Address’ field and click Write

Read and write CVs of decoders on the Programming Track

To read and write CVs of decoders on the Programming Track select “Programming Track (Service Mode)” in the Action pulldown.

To read a CV, put your loco on the programming track, enter the CV number into the ‘CV’ field, and click the Read button on the same line as the ‘CV’ label.

To write a new CV value, enter the CV number into the ‘CV’ field, enter the new value in the ‘Value’ field and click Write

Optionally, you can use the ‘NRMA CVs’ pulldown to select a common CV from a list. This just enters the appropriate CV number in the ‘CV’ field.

Write CVs of decoders on the Main Track


To write CVs of decoders on the Main Track select “Program on Main (Operation Mode)” in the Action pulldown.

Note that you cannot read CVs or DCC Addresses on the main track. You can only write CVs of a specified loco (DCC Address).

To write a new CV value, enter the DCC address of the loco you want to change, enter the CV number into the ‘CV’ field, enter the new value in the ‘Value’ field and click Write

Optionally, you can use the ‘NRMA CVs’ pulldown to select a common CV from a list. This just enters the appropriate CV number in the ‘CV’ field.

Issue Native commands to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation

To issue Native commands to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation select any option in the Action pulldown. (it is available for all)

To issue a command to the DCC-EX EX-CommandStation end the command in the ‘DCC-EX Cmd’ field, without the opening and closing angle brackets (i.e. Don’t enter ‘<’ or ‘>’), then click Send

Optionally, you can use the ‘Common CMDs’ pulldown to select a command from a list. This just enters the appropriate command in the ‘DC-EX Cmd’ field.

Optional, you can use the Prior and Next buttons to reissue previously issued commands.

TrackManager control


To use the TrackManager control select “Track/District Manager” in the Action pulldown.

Depending on the Motor Shields you have on you DCC-EX EX-CommandStation you will have up to 8 ‘tracks’ listed (labelled ‘A’ to ‘H’) along with their current TrackManager state.

The states will be one of:



  • DC

  • DC reversed polarity (DCX)

  • NONE

Each of the tracks/channels of the Motor Shield(s) can be changed to any one of the states above.

To change the simply select the state in the pulldown in the desired track (or tracks) and click Set

Note that if you select DC or DC reversed polarity (DCX) you must also enter the Address that the track should respond to.

e.g. if you select DC and enter address 10 for track ‘A’, then in the Engine Driver Select Loco screen, you would need to enter the ‘DCC Address’ of 10 to control the DC loco on the track which would normally have been the ‘Main’ track if you were using DCC.

Note that only one track can ever be selected as ‘DCC PROG’