Configuring Your Server

Engine Driver can connect to a number of supported WiThrottle Protocol and Native DCC-EX Protocol servers including:


  • Check your preferences/settings to insure you allow or disallow the control features desired.

  • If you’ve defined your turnouts/points and routes in a panel file, make sure to specify ‘user names’ for those you’d like to see listed on your throttle.

  • You can also ‘filter’ the turnouts shown using the WiThrottle->Filter Controls option in the WiThrottle window.

  • Entering roster entries, and defining routes and turnouts on the server will all make your Engine Driver throttle more powerful and easier to use (though not required).

  • Engine Driver will show additional info if the JMRI Web Server is started (such as roster details and icon images).

  • To use the Native DCC-EX Protocol with JMRI you must Load DCC++ over TCP Server in the ‘DCC-EX’ menu in JMRI, then connect Engine Driver to the additional server that is presented.

DCC-EX EX-CommandStation WiFi

Refer to the developer’s instructions.

MRC Prodigy WiFi

For MRC users: David Fuller has provided some additional setup information.

Digitrax LnWi

Refer to the Digitrax LnWi manufacture’s instructions.

WifiTrax (for NCE)

Refer to the WifiTrax manufacture’s instructions.