Loco Icons in the Roster
The Roster List, and Recent Locos List on the Select Loco screen will automatically show icons for your locos only if:
The Web Server (not just the WiThrottle Server) is running on the JMRI server
The loco itself has an icon added for it in the JMRI roster
ORA locally cached or manually chosen image is available for the loco (see below)
For the Recent Locos list, the loco was originally selected from a roster and the loco had an icon. (i.e. Not entered as a DCC Address)
For WiThrottle servers that do support a roster but don’t support Locomotive Icons (e.g. DCC-EX EX-CommandStation)
There are three ways to load & store your Locomotive Icon Image in Engine Driver 2.32.142 and above.
Automatically from your existing JMRI Roster & Media
Start JMRI and capture and load your images into JMRI Roster & Media panel as normal
Start the WiThrottle Server.
Start the Web Server.
Connect Engine Driver to JMRI WiThrottle Server Discovered Server ‘My JMRI Railroad’ or type in the IP address : Port#
and load your Locos thenRelease
and repeat until you’ve loaded all the locomotives you require with Icons into a throttle.These Loco Icons will automatically be saved/cached on the Android device/phone in a new ‘/Android/data/jmri.enginedriver/files/recent_engine_list/recent_engine_list’ folder for you.
Requirements for this to work:
Have identical names (from JMRI Roster ID to DCC-EX EXRAIL Roster ID) example ID; “PE 1225”
Have image icons displayed for the locomotives
Manually entered directly into your Android Engine Driver folder
Capture then rename the image exactly like the Roster ID name in JMRI & EXRAIL and save as a .PNG file
Then place the engine Image into your Android device/phone in the
‘/Android/data/jmri.enginedriver/files/recent_engine_list’ folder
example image name; PE 1225.pngNote: certain characters are not allowed in file names so need to be substituted with “_” (underscore) if you have used them in your roster name. They are:
/ (forward slash)
“ (double quote)
\ (backslash)
* (asterisk)
? (question mark)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
Select an image on the phone/device (which can be taken on the phone’s camera)
In the Roster List on the Select Loco screen
Long press on the loco
press the New Image button, which will launch the Android system’s default app for choosing images
find and select an image
click Save
You can replace an image with the New Image button or remove it with the Remove button
General Notes on the Local Loco Icons:
If the loco already has an image in the JMRI Roster (of the currently connected WiThrottle Server), you won’t be able to choose a local image.
If you later add an image in the JMRI Roster for the loco (or later connect to a WiThrottle Server that has an image), it will automatically overwrite the local image with the one on the server.
In the Recent Locos list you can not add images to locos entered by a DCC address. (i.e. not from the roster)
For adding a roster to DCC-EX see Roster Entries.