Privacy Policy
Engine Driver does not collect or transmit any personal information.
Engine Driver does not transmit any information from the phone, other than the model train information, to any other app, site or person. Model train information within the app is only used within the app, or to instruct a server to operate your model trains.
Required Permissions
Engine Driver requires some permission to function.
Engine Driver needs the NOTIFICATION permission to warn you when the app has been pushed into background.
Engine Driver needs the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to (optionally) stop your locos while you are using the phone.
Engine Driver needs the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission for the app to read the WiFi SSID.
Note: Use Location must be enabled in the Android system settings for Engine Driver to ‘find’ servers on the network.
Optional Permissions
Engine Driver can optional be granted some additional permissions.
Engine Driver needs STORAGE permissions to load background images.
Engine Driver needs READ_MEDIA_PERMISSIONS permissions to load background images.
Engine Driver needs READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED permissions to load background images.